Monday, 27 February 2012

Tip of the week - Lemons

This is a great tip and just so simple; to keep the lemons really juicy which is particularly important if you are using the juice of a lemon or you want to get the flavour to flow.

As you take your lemon to use just roll it between your hands or better still on a hard surface,  As you roll, you will feel the fruit juicing up.  Cut and enjoy 


Thursday, 23 February 2012

Pizza Time

We like all families love Pizza but it becomes expensive to take a family of five out to a well known chain and have them cater for all our different tastes. 

Occasionally instead of baking bread for lunch on a Saturday I will make pizza dough and then I can fill it with whatever I wish.  This is not a quick grab it and go like a bought one might be, this takes time especially if like me you make your own pizza dough.  I love the fact that I have control over what goes on and vegetables can be disguised easily for younger selective taste buds.

Pizza base bought or ready made

Tomato sauce – I do cheat here and buy the jars of pizza topping (although you can chop garlic and basil leaves, heat gently and add plum tomatoes till it thickens – cool slightly before adding to pizza base)

You can choose to put anything on top of your pizzas

We had: 

Anchovies / capers / mozzarella / green olives (I didn’t have black) on one half and 
Green peppars (roasted in olive oil and brown sugar)  / mozzarella / slithers of ham / jalapeno peppers on the other half

Sweet corn/  tuna /  cheddar

Spanish Tapas – Serrano Ham / chorizo / Salami / Iberico Cheese / green peppers

The putting together is so easy and a great adventure for a cold wintery half-term morning to get the children to help (especially if you use the pre-prepared pizza base and jar of tomato sauce)

Spread the base with tomato sauce, quite thinly really so as not to lose the other flavours.

Then pick and choose which topping you want.  Add them liberally according to taste.

Add to a hot oven 200°c and let them cook for about 25 – 30 minutes checking regularly especially towards the end.  You will know they are nearly ready when the house fills with the glorious warm aroma enticing you back into the kitchen.



Let me know what different toppings you add to yours.

Enjoy my struggles to become a writer by following ;  Tiggy Hayes

Monday, 13 February 2012

Slow Roast Lamb

This is great if you are out for the day and want to come back to something tender and succulent.  There is a little bit of effort first thing but then leave to slowly cook and tenderise.   The vegetables also should be cooked and served with as much love.    A great meal to serve if you wish to impress someone.

Lamb shoulder / leg  Hoggitt or Mutton are better than Spring lamb
Garlic – whole peeled cloves
Rosemary sprigs  lots
Anchovies  - these are the cocktail ones from the jar but plain not with herbs
Red Wine / Flour / oxo cube for the gravy

Don’t worry if you can’t stand anchovies these are in the lamb to add depth of flavour and you will not know or taste they are there.

It was when I was discussing this blog and mentioned in conversation my ingredients that both my mother and husband told me in horror that neither like anchovies.  They do however both adore my slow roast lamb.

Heat up the oven to a high heat while you dress the lamb.

Cut holes in the meat skin, then wrap 1 garlic clove and one small sprig of rosemary in an anchovy, place them in each of the holes.  This could do then with a sprinkling of good rock salt and ground pepper but these are optional.  Any spare rosemary can be lain on top of the joint.

Put into the preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes then turn right down to 150° and leave to slow cook for several hours.   Prior to the meal, remove the meat from the oven, transfer to a carving dish and leave to stand.  Save the delicious juices for a gravy. 

If you have a second oven use it now otherwise bump up the heat again to at least  200° to cook the roasties.  Remember par-boiled and shaken in the colander will give them a crispy texture.

Add red wine – a good glug to the juices, mix a little veg water with flour and oxo cube then add to pan juices then reheat.

If like me you are using pampered chef stoneware that cannot go on the hob, stir well and put back in the oven.  Stir often and then serve up with your meat.  It helps clean the dish and leaves the gravy full of flavour.

Serve with all the trimmings including mint sauce, no carving required as the meat falls off the bone and melts in the mouth.

Do give this lamb a try and let me know which vegetables you prefer to serve and how you add taste to these as well.  I use my base flavours of garlic, rosemary and mint to bring the vegetables alive.



you can also enjoy my writing blog at:  Dawn Chorus

Sunday, 5 February 2012


This came about because I wanted to make something the children would enjoy as we were going out for dinner.   It became an instant hit and is now requested whenever  I say we are going out.   It is so quick and easy  that it really is a cheat's meal that goes down so well.  

A pack of meatballs
Tin of tomato soup
Squeeze of tomato sauce

Tip the meatballs into an oven proof dish, cover with the soup and add a squeeze of tomato sauce.  Stir and add to a pre-heated oven for 25 mins.   

Check a couple of times and just turn the meatballs over.

Serve with pasta and bright vibrant peas or sweetcorn; you have an instant hit.  If using spaghetti run it through the meatballs or tip them into the pan and coat generously with the sauce.

Try it out on your little ones and let me know what they think.